Can you believe this artist is only 19 years old? Zofia has just graduated high school and is ready to take on the college world, and to gain even more knowledge and skills with a major in drawing – and possibly art therapy. Look out world! This up and coming artist is only just beginning, and we’re featuring her for the month of January before she gets engulfed in all her studies.
First off, we have to ask, what college will you be attending?
I’m going to be attending Edinboro University as a drawing/painting major, it’s a relatively affordable school and I had a few art teachers who have graduated from there.
Having recently graduated from high school, what advice can you give to other high school artists who are trying to improve their art skills, discover themselves as an artist, or who may face insecurities about putting their art out there?
Make loads of art!! Befriend all your artsy peers! If you’re scared or shy about sharing your work with people in real life, startup that Instagram or Tumblr account, you can get lots of feedback from there. Don’t stress about having a “style” right away, it comes naturally after years of making. Just make!
What are high school art school art teachers like these days? Have any of them influenced you in any way? If so, what significant message or lesson struck you the most?
I was really lucky to go to a high school with an established art program and wonderful art faculty. My art teacher in 9th grade was one of those Cool Artists who loved spray paint and pop punk and always encouraged us to question authority and be ok with exploring ourselves through art. He was also incredibly kind and supportive of every student in his class. Another art teacher of mine was incredibly analytical and could pick apart anyone’s piece and say “Ok this is good. But how can you make it better? What if you did this or took away that?” Having both of those teachers really helped build this ideology that it’s important to be kind to yourself while also analyzing and never settling for something subpar.
We all know that teachers, mentors, and influencers can only go so far to help improve skills. What did you personally do to help yourself grow as an artist in high school? What drives you to create art?
This is a great question. As I’ve said before, I had great art teachers, but the classes only had maybe two or three projects due per semester. I had a pretty boring life so I watched hours of Youtube videos at home figuring out what styles I liked, how to draw quicker, better. One artist on Youtube, Sycra, made a video on how he kept a sketchbook where he would draw every single day, no matter the circumstances, no matter how simple a drawing. I decided to do this as well. This was in 2015. I now have a bookshelf with about 14 full and bursting sketchbooks of drawing from (almost) every single day the past 2 and a half years! Drawing every single day makes it a habit, and it really skyrockets your improvement. You might not be able to see improvement day to day, but after filling a sketchbook or two and looking back on the first pages, you’ll be amazed!!
What do you enjoy most about making art?
It gives me a sense of matter. Matter-ing? Something I draw today might end up in a history book decades from now. A card I illustrated for a friend might still make them smile in two years. I might stop making art next week, but the elementary kids who visited our senior high art class once might still remember my little display in the hall and be inspired to become artists themselves. Everything I make is mine, but also the world’s.
What is your favorite Pentalic product? What do you like about it?
Because of my every day drawing habit, I had used and tried tons of different sketchbooks to fill. The simple wire bound ones from the art store would smudge, and the cute but expensive ones from bookstores couldn’t handle watercolor or many taped in scraps. A friend told me about the Pentalic Travel Journals and I fell head over heels!! I love how many colors there are to choose from, the paper is good for watercolor and pencils and dried flowers and charcoal and since they’re pretty thick I don’t have to buy new ones as often. I’m on my third one and I don’t think I’ll be switching brands anytime soon 🙂
What can you see yourself doing after college? What would be your dream job?
I love the idea of being an art therapist as it’d marry my love for both art and psychology! Although dream job would probably be a super well known freelance illustrator with lots of cats and plants and art workshops for kids on the weekends, but, baby steps.
Follow Zofia
Instagram: @zoofiia
Youtube: Zofia C